DC Latino Caucus Announces Primary Election Endorsements
The DC Latino Caucus (DCLC) today announced the candidates the organization has endorsed for the June 21, 2022, Democratic Primary election.
Statement from the DC Latino Caucus Regarding Local Resident Voting Rights Amendment Act of 2021
The DC Latino Caucus (DCLC) today announced its support for the Local Resident Voting Rights Amendment Act of 2021, put forth by Ward 1 Councilmember Brianne K. Nadeau.
DC Latino Caucus Board Member Ruth Pagani Elected Treasurer of DC Democratic Party
Ruth Pagani was elected treasurer of the District of Columbia Democratic Party. She joins party Chair Charles Wilson, Vice Chair Linda Gray, Recording Secretary Alan Karnofsky and Corresponding Secretary Monica Roché as an officer. Pagani becomes the highest-ranking Latina DC Democratic Party officer.
DC Latino Caucus Announces New Ex Officio Members to the DC Democratic State Committee
Today the DC Latino Caucus announced the results of their ex officio election. Luz Martinez and Juan Ulloa were elected female and male ex officio, respectively. The ex officio serves a two-year term and represents the DC Latino Caucus before the District of Columbia Democratic Party (District of Columbia Democratic State Committee).