DCLC Is Seeking Talented and Dedicated New Board Members!

The DC Latino Caucus is seeking talented and dedicated individuals to join our Board of Directors. As a Director, you will assist in fulfilling the organization's mission to serve as a channel for the participation of DC area Latinos in civic engagement, political participation and advocacy.

All Board candidates must be members of our PAC for at least 30 days prior to the election being held. Deadline for becoming a member and being eligible to join the Board is March 18. You can become a member here.

These board seats hold two-year terms. A candidate must receive a majority of votes from the Board of Directors to secure a board seat. Candidates may be contacted by the Board of Directors to discuss their background and potential contributions.

If you are interested in being a DCLC Board Member, please submit the following to information@dclc.org no later than March 18:

1. A biography including background and experience that would be brought to the Board (maximum 500 words).

2. A statement of what you would like to contribute to DCLC if you are elected (maximum 250 words).

3. If previously a Board member, a statement of contributions and accomplishments during your time on the Board.

4. Your resume (maximum 3 pages).

5. Your photo.(These materials serve as your application.)

Please become familiar with our Board member expectations.We hope you will decide to apply during this incredibly important time for Latinos in the Washington DC area and across the country.


DC Latino Caucus Event Changes Due To Coronavirus


NOTICE: DCLC Annual Board Meeting 2020