What questions should we ask our Latino At-Large Candidates?
We are excited to be hosting a forum for five Latino candidates running in the November DC Council At-Large race on on Monday October 5, 2020 at 7 pm. We will send more details soon on how to join the forum.
Have a question for the candidates?
As a benefit of being a DCLC member, you now have the opportunity to suggest a question we can pose to the candidates at the forum. Simply send an email that includes your name and the question to information@dclc.org and we will consider it for inclusion!
Only members can pose questions
We are making this opportunity available only to our members. If you're not a member, no problem! Just click the link below to go to our membership page. As soon as you are a registered and paid member you can submit a question.
We look forward to receiving your questions and seeing you at our forum!