Welcome to Latinx News Links by the DC Latino Caucus

¡Saludos! Welcome to the first Latinx News Links post. LNL is a semi-regular roundup of links highlighting local and national news stories pertinent to DC’s Latinx community.

(Image: Obi Onyeador/Unsplash)

(Image: Obi Onyeador/Unsplash)

Do you have a story you want to see featured? Tag us @dclatinocaucus and use #dclcLNL and we might feature it in a future post! Most (but not all) of the links below can also be found on our social media profiles. - Juan Ulloa

Aug 3: Politico Biden’s plan to avoid a 2020-like nightmare with Latino voters
Aug 3: Washington City Paper D.C. Council Caves to Bowser’s Request for More Police Officers
Aug 4: The Atlantic The Voters Who Could Turn California Red
Aug 4: The Washington Post Behind D.C.’s scramble to get teens vaccinated before school starts
Aug 5: Axios Latinos twice as likely as white people to die from gunfire


Complete the DC Latino Caucus Policy Issues Survey by Wednesday August 18!


About last night…. Thank you for your support!