Welcome to Latinx News Links by the DC Latino Caucus
¡Saludos! Welcome to the first Latinx News Links post. LNL is a semi-regular roundup of links highlighting local and national news stories pertinent to DC’s Latinx community.
Do you have a story you want to see featured? Tag us @dclatinocaucus and use #dclcLNL and we might feature it in a future post! Most (but not all) of the links below can also be found on our social media profiles. - Juan Ulloa
Aug 3: Politico Biden’s plan to avoid a 2020-like nightmare with Latino voters
Aug 3: Washington City Paper D.C. Council Caves to Bowser’s Request for More Police Officers
Aug 4: The Atlantic The Voters Who Could Turn California Red
Aug 4: The Washington Post Behind D.C.’s scramble to get teens vaccinated before school starts
Aug 5: Axios Latinos twice as likely as white people to die from gunfire