DCLC Invites DMV Area Candidates To Answer Questions on Latino Issues

As we head into the November 2018 election, the Latino community is highly motivated and ready to mobilize like never before. We are under constant threat by oppressive federal policies, and our law-abiding communities live in fear of being targeted. The DC Latino Caucus is seeking to actively support candidates willing to boldly defend our interests, and who are willing to promote policies that support our community.The DCLC has reached out to the following November 2018 Democratic candidates, and invited them to answer questions of interest to the Latino community (answers will be posted on our website):DC:Delegate to House of Representatives: Eleanor Holmes NortonMayor: Muriel BowserAt Large Council: Anita BondsWard 1: Brianne NadeauWard 3: Mary ChehWard 5: Kenyan McDuffieWard 6: Charles AllenAttorney General: Karl RacineUS Senator: Michael BrownMaryland: MD-4 (PG County): Anthony BrownMD-5 (PG County): Steny HoyerMD-9 (Montgomery County): Jamie RaskinUS Senate Ben CardinVirginia:VA-8 (Arlington/Alexandria): Don BeyerVA-10 (Fairfax): Jennifer Wexton (Democrat seeking to defeat Republican incumbent Barbara Comstock)VA-11 (Fairfax): Gerry ConnollyUS Senate: Tim KaineHere are the questions the DCLC has asked the candidates to answer:1. What do you think are the top three priorities/issues facing the Latino community in the area you are running in? ¿Cuáles crees que son las tres prioridades/problemas más importantes que enfrenta la comunidad latina en el área donde busca su elección?2. Do you believe it is important to support Latino candidates, and are you committed to support Latino candidates for public office? ¿Cree que es importante apoyar a los candidatos latinos, y está comprometido a apoyar a los candidatos latinos para ocupar cargos públicos?3. How are you supporting the cultural diversity and language fluency of your campaign staff, and (if elected) your management staff? ¿Cómo está apoyando la diversidad cultural y la fluidez de idioma entre los empleados de su campaña, y (si es elegido) de su administración?4. Do you support Statehood for Washington DC residents? ¿Apoya la estadidad para los residentes de Washington DC?5. If elected, how do you plan to engage with your Latino community constituency, particularly individuals with limited English proficiency? Si es elegido, ¿cómo planea involucrarse con la comunidad latina en su distrito electoral, y particularmente con las personas con dominio limitado del inglés?6. Would you work with the immigrant community to make the Dream Act federal law to protect young immigrants from deportation? ¿Trabajarías con la comunidad inmigrante para promulgar el "Dream Act" como ley federal para proteger a los jóvenes inmigrantes contra la deportación?7. Are you committed to maintaining Washington DC’s status as a sanctuary city? ¿Está comprometido a mantener a Washington DC como ciudad santuario?8. If elected, how will you ensure that Latino children and their families have access to high-quality, affordable healthcare and education? Si es elegido, ¿cómo se asegurará de que los niños latinos y sus familias tengan acceso a servicios de salud y educación asequibles y de alta calidad?9. Do you support summer employment programs for local youth regardless of immigration status? ¿Apoya los programas de empleo de verano para jóvenes locales independientemente de su estado migratorio?10. Latinos make up 10% of the DC population, but only 3% of the workforce in DC government. How would you increase Latino employment in DC Government? Los latinos representan el 10% de la población de DC, pero son solo el 3% de los empleados en el gobierno de DC. ¿Cómo aumentaría el empleo latino en el gobierno de DC?11. How would you increase affordable housing in the District and nearby areas? ¿Cómo aumentaría la vivienda asequible en Washington DC y las áreas cercanas?The DCLC anticipates having a membership endorsement vote (date and time to be announced) based in part on the responses to these questionnaires. If you are not yet a member, now is the time to register to be eligible to participate in the endorsement vote! Note that membership is now annual, and you must be registered at least 30 days prior to the vote to be eligible.



SAVE THE DATE: 2018 Elections Candidate Endorsement Meeting


DC Latino Caucus Happy Hour With DC Candidates