DC Latino Caucus condemns Congressional attempts to overturn DC laws on noncitizen voting and criminal justice reform; calls for local DC leaders to stand firm on DC autonomy and statehood
February 16, 2023
PRESS CONTACT: Juan Ulloa, information@dclc.org
PRESS RELEASE: DC Latino Caucus condemns Congressional attempts to overturn DC laws on noncitizen voting and criminal justice reform; calls for local DC leaders to stand firm on DC autonomy and statehood
WASHINGTON, DC -- The Washington DC Latino Caucus (DCLC) condemns attempts by the US Congress to overturn the laws passed by the duly elected leadership of the District of Columbia (DC). The DCLC also calls on local leaders to reaffirm their commitment to DC statehood—at a moment when local autonomy faces its biggest challenge in years—by advocating strongly against Congressional interference with laws passed by our Council.
The two laws in question—one an overhaul of the DC criminal code and the other a bill to allow noncitizen residents to vote in local elections—were passed by veto-proof majorities on the DC Council. Yet Congress sees fit to meddle in our local affairs to score political points in their home districts with no consideration given to the right of DC citizens who pay taxes without voting representation in Congress to govern themselves under the provisions of the Home Rule Act.
It is unsurprising to see Congressional meddling from the Republican US House majority given that party’s historical hostility towards DC, its current tendencies to support anti-immigrant policies, and its desperation to change the subject on efforts to cut Social Security and Medicare to address the federal deficit. Latinos in our city have fought for statehood for almost 50 years and have long supported Democratic campaigns across the country, so it was dismaying to also see up to 42 Democrats join with Republicans in these efforts to violate our local autonomy.
The DCLC has long supported efforts to follow the lead of a number of other jurisdictions in granting non-citizens the right to vote in local elections. Our Latino community includes many residents who hold green cards and other visas, as well as some who are undocumented—all of whom pay taxes, run small businesses, raise families, educate their children, and otherwise contribute to the vitality and fabric of our city. We believe those individuals should have the right to vote on elections for Mayor, Council, and other local offices that directly impact their lives.
We call for our city leaders to stand up for DC statehood and this important voting rights legislation in no uncertain terms. We have seen local leaders who have advocated for statehood stand silent because they personally disagree with the details of these laws. There are democratic mechanisms for city residents to follow, including repealing laws through a referendum or recalling public officials for malfeasance, when the public disagrees with the actions of their elected representatives. DC does not need Congress making those decisions for us, and we demand that our local officials and shadow Congressional delegation stand firm for statehood and local autonomy right now when the going is tough.
We urge Mayor Bowser, the DC Council, and our Congressional delegation to speak boldly against Congressional interference with these laws. DC needs a strong and well-coordinated effort to lobby the US Senate and the President of the United States to repudiate these efforts to strip our city of its autonomy and further disenfranchise our residents.