DC Latino Caucus Begins Holiday Drive for CARECEN and SAMU First Response to Help Migrant Families

The DC Latino Caucus is proud to announce a holiday toy and gift drive for migrant families being served by the Central American Resource Center (CARECEN) and SAMU First Response. CARECEN and SAMU have been a part of our community and helping immigrant families for over forty years.

The drive is to help collect holiday gifts for our newly arrived community members. Many of these individuals come from Venezuela, Ecuador, Guatemala, and Nicaragua as they flee persecution or impossible living conditions in their home countries.

Earlier this year, buses of migrants began arriving in the District of Columbia from Texas and Arizona. SAMU and CARECEN have been at the forefront of the response to the needs of these families in crisis.

Claudia Barahona, a DCLC board member and Native Washingtonian, remembers going with her mom to CARECEN’s holiday drive to distribute gifts during the holidays to community members who were in need. It was at one of these gift distributions that she remembers receiving one of her first Barbies. The power of that gift of generosity has remained with her ever since.

Let’s make the first Holiday for these families in DC a special one!

You can help by purchasing from this Amazon Wish List:


Or donate via PayPal:


 All the proceeds purchased will go directly to SAMU’s respite centers, which are the first stop on our community members’ journeys. 

Thank you for helping to bring the spirit of the holidays to these families in need!


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